As I allow myself to dive further and further into planning every little detail about my trip, I can't help but spend most of my time still thinking of what to bring.  After pretty much months of contemplation.. I opted to purchase my very first pair of Lululemon pants! 

i'm pretty tight with my money.. so near $100 on a pair of pants is a big deal for me!! :D
So, yesterday I set out in the rain for downtown Victoria, gumboots on, money in hand, ready to complete a first! Go me!
I decided on a pair of crop pants, basically a set of really nice, thick tights. My goal with these pants is to get my full monies worth and genuinely wear them nearly every single day on this trip! They are very versatile. If paired with boots and a long sweater.. boom.. dressy. If paired with running shoes and a big shirt.. boom.. exercise gear.. if paired with socks and a cozy sweatshirt.. boom.. lounge-wear.  

They are incredibly comfortable and so far my consumer satisfaction is phenomenal!  Come on travel date! I'm ready!

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