One of the three companies I am now partnered with is the Victoria Yoga Conference. VYC is an annual event that brings together yogis and yoginis from British Columbia, Alberta, the state of Washington and then some. It boasted 400+ attendees this year at it's very first event and apparently made a pretty strong impact on the yoga community of Victoria. Sadly, I was unable to attend the conference as I was enjoying the final leg of my travels through New Zealand and Australia. 
As an attempt to immerse my mind into what the Victoria Yoga Conference was, I am connecting with a variety of presenters from the event and doing interviews to experience it through their eyes. 
I have now done three interviews and my response: 
All three individuals I spoke with are powerful people. They are all so uniquely different in their approach to yoga, business, lifestyle, spirituality and even simple phone mannerisms. But one thing they all have in common is the need and desire to tell their story. As people all we ever really want is to be heard by someone. To feel listened to, valued and appreciated. It is my pleasure to have given this gift, and to continue to do so, with each VYC interview I do. As soon as one interview completes, all I can do is close my eyes and just experience the energy, passion and inspiration that flows through me - simply from speaking to one other person about a piece of passion in their life. Amazing! 
If you would like to read my first published blog post from these interviews, 
click on the image below:

Sweet Dea

do you practice yoga? is it a lifestyle piece or simply an action of fitness? :o)

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